How can parents help in the academic development of their child? Here are some things you can do to help your child succeed at school:
- Read to your child on a daily basis.
- Engage your child in conversation each day.
- Participate in Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings.
- Encourage your child to attempt to do new things.
- Recognize and support your child’s positive efforts, actions, and behaviors.
- Talk about the places you visit.
- Recite nursery rhymes and sing together.
- Name body parts, items you use to set the table, animals you see on billboards, or in magazines, or in the zoo.
- Sing the ABC song together and name letters that are noticed in the environment (such as in his their name, in stores, on signs, on television, and in newspapers).
- Ask your child how two particular objects are the same or different. Have the child show you an object that is under, over, beside, inside, outside, another object.
- Help your child use words to express his/her feelings (What do you do when you feel Angry? Sad? Happy? Worried? Scared?)